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You need a login before you can see or contribute to the community or groups. Signing up is easy: 
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Why sign up?

1. Join the discussion in a secure and unindexed environment.
We own the entire network, we're not reliant on any big corporations who will use your data inappropriately.
No search engine or social media website has access to any of the conversation on this website.
This means we can have free and open discussion about our faith without any fear of it being used against us or of the cancel culture. 

2. It's free.
The Subjective God website exists for one purpose, the discussion of Holiness and Biblical Ethics and the promotion of The Subjective God book. No one is going to use this platform for any other purpose.

3. It's super easy.
Click on the Google sign up for a one click sign up and you'll never have to remember a password. Or fill in the short form.